Weaving threads

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Hannah Wardle is a Welsh born Lighting Artist / Designer / Maker.

Coming from a creative family and bought up in a beautiful woodland valley in the Vale of Clwyd. Light + Nature are her key passions.

She studied BA Art / Textiles at Goldsmiths UCL, with both her final exhibition and dissertation addressing light immersion spaces as a way to explore perception.

Following this, working as artist assistant to artists Fiona Banner, Toby Ziegler & Rowena Dring. As well as working in many galleries as a gallery attendant including the Saatchi Gallery, Tate & The Royal Academy.

To pursue her love of light she studied the MSc Lighting & Lighting at Bartlett UCL. Followed by an expansive 16 years’ experience as an Architectural Lighting Designer.

Hannah is now both a practicing Freelance Lighting Designer, Artist and creator integrating her light knowledge with regenerative concepts, colour immersion spaces and connection to nature.